President — Don Miller, Box 15, Loup City, NE 68853-0015; phone: 308-745-0572; cell 308-440-2951
Vice President — Adam Duryea, 80406 Victoria Springs Rd, Merna, NE 68856; phone: 308-643-0430; cell: 308-643-9178
Secretary — John Self, 2072 CO RD K, Hooper, NE 68031; phone: 402-654-2913
Treasurer — Dave Kuhlmann, 70767 626th Ave., Pawnee City, NE 68420-2570; phone: 402-852-6173
Legislative Representative — George Wagner, 201 Main Ave., Winnetoon, NE 68789; phone: 402-847-3398
Public Relations Director — Doug Eskew, 41521 Rd. 764 Gothenburg, NE 69138; phone: 308-537-2919
NTA Delegate — Jason Reynoldson, 2142 State Highway 14, Albion, NE 68620-5033; phone: 402-395-6805; cell: 402-649-3832
FTA Delegate — Roy Greenfield, 16535 145th Rd., Amherst, NE 68812; phone: 308-826-5155
Web Site — Tom Riblett,;
Hello everyone. As I write this, the 2010 Fall Convention of Nebraska Fur Harvesters is in the past. Doug and Cindy and their crew put a lot of effort into organizing and then setting it up. Also Jason Reynoldson helped greatly be bringing the trailer and then helping to set up the tables. The weather was pretty near perfect.
We had distinguished visitors from Iowa again. Craig Sweet, Iowa’s President, visited and helped our auction with a nice donation and they stayed to buy some of it back. However, he did come out a winner, too, as he was the lucky winner of the raffle for 6 Sterling 600 traps and the Dunn knife—yes, he was the raffle winner of both drawings!
The Henry Golden Boy was won by Ray Maze of South Dakota and the 6 Sterling 600 traps went to Hank Johnson of Washington, KS. Two pellet guns were donated by the local Orschelin store. They were raffled also: with one being won by Donna Trompke and the other by Adam Duryea. Greg Petska of Petska Furs bought the “Brown Hat” at the auction which commenced along with the barbeque meal. Petska Furs paid for the meat served at the BBQ.
Along with the demos and other activities, a cast iron cooking contest was held. I was supposed to be a judge, but for some reason was unable to. Joe Jack and Jim Cronin quickly volunteered.
Until next month.
— Don Miller
Nebraska Fur Harvesters Fall Meeting
September 25, 2010
**Meeting called to order 12:15 p.m.
**Secretary John Self shared minutes from Spring meeting. (36 people in attendance)
Dunn knife, kids buckets, treasurers report, letter of support for ending the “10 days after season fur hold” rule. Three wildlife expos $500 to USSA, $500 to Outdoor Channel project.
**Discussion of amendment, working to make terms of office last so that not all officers are elected any one year. Motion to strike the word “limits” from amendment. Tabled pending membership looking at the language. Seconded by Unrein, motion carried.
**Treasurer’s report. Dave Kuhlman is delayed and Don presented written reports. Check register passed around, which show detailed record of money spent and deposits made.
**President Don Miller reported on outdoor expos that NFH had volunteer representatives at: Halsey 4-H camp, Kearney, Ponca, and Platte River State Park, and NE State Fair.
**Garrett Unrein reported on tanned fur; asked for input. Is looking for donations of nice skins, and we are looking for help in locating opportunities for NFH to have fur kits for public education, public access, outdoor ed, natural resources information, etc. Garrett will put info in the Trapper & Predator Caller for contact information, etc.
**Pres. Miller offered a public thank-you to Doug & Cindy Eskew and family for hosting the convention. Doug has offered to do it again next year. Encouraged anyone who takes the task on to communicate.
**Wynn Hall discussed his trap program for kids to get “starter kits” to get going. The project began with an estate donation of traps, stipulating that they be used to get kids and older beginners to get off on the right foot—developed into a trap loan program for kids. Wynn consulted the WI trappers who have such a program in place. Rick Kaspar, RK Enterprises, helped with trowels sold to us at cost. Encouraged everyone to make one bucket, and look for ways to get them promoted and into kids’ hands.
**Gary Macke, NAFA, presented check for $1215.00 to NFH. Gary challenged everyone to send a coon for a 50/50 raffle, 50% of the proceeds paid to NFH, 50% to the winners of the raffle. Enter one coon, get one raffle ticket. The coons donated need to be coons that have some value. Possibly kids entries as well. Gary suggested that a kids’ raffle like that pays 100% back to the kids. Roy Greenfield, Adam Duryea, and Jeff Martin will serve on the committee. Dave Hastings moved that the 50/50 raffle should proceed and the committee finalize the payout details. Joe Jack seconded, motion carried.
** President Miller thanked both Gary and NAFA for their support to NFH.
**Bids were solicited for the Fall 2011 convention site. Lexington offered. Discussion followed about keeping it in the same site two years in a row. There was discussion, but no by-law action took place. Joe Jack made motion to return to Lexington, Jeff Martin Seconded. Several said that it helps to move it around. John Self said that maybe he would do it in his area. Motion carried.
** Motion to draft letter to NGPC to encourage them to make it possible for South Dakota trappers to trap in NE and a reciprocal situation in return. In other words, don’t let SD’s particular regs regarding non-resident trapping make it impossible for NE trappers make it impossible for NE trappers to purchase SD licenses. We support the idea of non-resident trapping both here and for our trappers in other states. Motion to draft letter, seconded, motion carried.
Jason Reynoldson moved that we encourage Doug as PR director explore advertising options for membership recruitment. Motion carried.
**Joe Jack moved that we send a contribution to Senator Christiansen’s campaign, in recognition of his help to restore our roadside trapping. Joe Jack moved that we send $250 to that cause, and allow him to list NFH as a supporting organization. Motion carried.
**Scott moved to send $500 to the FTA Outdoor Channel, second season. Seconded and Motion carried.
Motion made to make $500 donation to FTA, and NTA. Motion carried.
Motion to adjourn, 1:45.
For those who have not heard, the Fur Harvesters are once again putting together furs for donations in displays, schools, youth groups and such. We are requesting any furs or skulls you would like to donate. The only thing we ask, is that you ask yourself, would I hang this in my house? If the answer is yes, that is the fur we want to donate to those who wish to display them. Fully prime fur of any species that is legally taken will be welcomed. Smaller sizer and off colors are fine.
If you have fur that is already tanned and no longer want, we would gladly accept it. I will accept carcasses, frozen, stretched or salt dried goods. I talked to several people at the convention who already offered tanned and raw fur. We will gladly use any North American fur. If you have a pelt, not normally found in Nebraska, that is fine. I am sure we can find a display that would be glad to have it.
Please call or e-mail me before you send any raw fur. I will gladly send you the proper custody tag for your animals. Bobcats must be tagged before I can accept them.
Bringing them to the spring meeting would also be fine. Just make sure you have the proper hold over tags on them. My contact information is, 308-284-0163, e-mail; Please mail your donations to Coyote Ridge Tannery, 2104 Westridge Dr., Ogallala NE 69153.
— Garrett Unrein
The Nebraska Fur Harvesters salute Doug and Cindy Eskew for an extremely well organized and successful fall convention. Granted, like most state conventions the attendance may have been slightly lower than in the past but the majority of the vendors seemed pleased with the sales level.
I would like to personally thank each expert who shared their hard earned knowledge in the demo area. The association is lucky and thankful for the dedicated persons who helped with the setup and tear down of the facility.
During the membership meeting on Saturday it was voted upon and decided next years fall convention will again be held at the same site. If you are thinking of placing a proposal for the 2012 Fall Convention give Don Miller a call. Each of the past chairpersons are more than happy to lend a hand at organizing the event.
The FTA has again started filming the short pro-trapping segments for the Out Door Channel. Several of these were shot during the FTA Trappers College two weeks ago. Watch the Fur Taker Magazine for additional details!
I would like to congratulate Jeremy Karl of Sidney as the latest graduate of the Fur Takers Trappers College. There is great interest in the college so if you plan to attend do not hesitate to add your name to the waiting list. It is my understanding next years class is already filled.
Fur season will be opening soon and I would like to remind everyone to keep safety in mind!
— Roy Greenfield