Fur Market Report February 2025: Selling Season on the Horizon

February has arrived and by now, most of the wild fur that will hit the market in early 2025 has already been harvested. Trappers down South can still operate in snow-free environments, but in the North, deep snow and cold … [Read More]

Don’t Rule Out Cage Traps

There is a cage trap for just about everything from chipmunks to coyotes. They are easy to set and bait, and they help trappers be selective with what they keep. In today’s crazy fur market, it doesn’t hurt to be able to keep only the best fur, and release the rest. [Read More]

Bill Banning Bobcat Trapping in California Put on Hold

In an encouraging development for California trappers, a proposed bill that would ban bobcat trapping in the Golden State has been put on hold. The California State Assembly Water, Parks and Wildlife Committee discussed Bill AB 1213, which is also known as … [Read More]

Bobcat Trapping Under Attack in California

California legislatures are considering a bill that would make bobcat trapping illegal in California. Bill AB 1213, which is also referred to as The Bobcat Protection Act of 2013, was introduced in February. Legislators are schedule to discuss the bill … [Read More]