Fur Prices Peaking, Time to Sell

Serge Lariviére In his latest Fur Market Report, Trapper & Predator Caller fur market expert Serge Lariviére says that despite a mild winter, demand from China for fur has driven prices to exciting new highs. And with those highs, the time has come … [Read More]

Fur Is Hot in Fashion World

Could fashion trends help drive rising fur prices up higher? Fashion designers play a major role in worldwide fashion trends, and if early signs are any indication, fur could be very popular this year. That, in turn, might help boost … [Read More]

FHA Reports “One of the Best Opening Auctions” Ever

Fur Harvesters Auction held their first auction of the season this past weekend, and the results are very encouraging for furtakers. A news release from FHA calls the sale “one of the most successful January auctions in our company`s history.” … [Read More]

As Auctions Near, Optimism Grows, Especially for Muskrats

As the major North American fur auctions begin this winter and record-high prices continued at the season’s first European auctions, optimism is high for the fur market. Alan Herscovici, the executive vice-president of the Fur Council of Canada credits “design … [Read More]