“What is the biggest secret in trapping?” During almost every trapping course that I teach — in groups or in private — there is always someone who asks me this question or something similar. And for years, my answer was … [Read More]
Tag Archives: trapping
Fur Market Report February 2022: Caution Continues Into the New Year
It’s interesting that trapping, hunting and fishing are activities that can make you completely forget about the pandemic, at least until you have to stop for gas and walk into a store to buy stuff. [Read More]
Tag Team Trapping
Taking on a trapline partner might be just the ticket during these difficult days and a way to energize lagging spirits. Sharing the success or frustration, exchanging methods and time in the pelting shed are all great. [Read More]
Trapping Girl, Inc.
Learn how this steel-setting entrepreneur is making a positive impact in the trapping industry. [Read More]
Bucket List Trapping: Ursus Americanus, the Black Bear
This trapper’s 2020 trapping season started a little different than most years. He was setting steel for a massive Northern black bear. [Read More]
The Trapper Returns
The changes in this issue of the magazine have been a long time coming, as we have heard from many loyal readers over the years how much the trapping lifestyle means to us all. We’re proud to continue to improve and publish the best trapping magazine in the country, and carry on the tradition that began 45 years ago. [Read More]
Suburban Foxes Still Pay the Bills
Coyotes and bobcats are not backyard commodities for me. But, living in the suburbs the fox, in particular, suits my needs. It has adapted well to a suburban lifestyle. To trap foxes by the dozens I’ve adapted my own tactics and homemade bait for suburban trapping success. Here’s how. [Read More]
Barn Bandits
For quality pelts, target well-fed, well-sheltered raccoons that love the easy farm life By Jason Houser In order to be a successful raccoon trapper, you have to follow their stomachs and figure out where they shelter. Early in the season … [Read More]
Editor’s Call: On a Losing Streak
If hunting or trapping was too easy it wouldn’t be any fun By Jim Spencer Nobody likes being a loser. However, sitting here in my camper in north Missouri in early May, listening to a steady, hard rain pounding the … [Read More]
Keeping It Natural
How to use materials found in nature to enhance your sets. By Cary Rideout / Photo by Lorain Ebbett-Rideout For some reason we trappers like to mess with nature hoping to improve on things. How many times have you decided … [Read More]