President — Charlie Rath, 1501 Shelby Forest Lane, Chelsea, AL 35043; phone: 205-678-6146
Vice President — Scott Wilson, 16291 Evans Road, Athens, AL 35611; phone: 256-565-4451; e-mail: Scott_wilson68@yahoo.com
Secretary/Treasurer — Bob Crane, 15295 Gainsville Road, Ralph, AL 35480; phone: 205-339-0081
Recording Secretary — Mike Flohr, 297 Kingfisher Road, Greensboro, AL 36744; phone: 334-507-2537
NTA Director — Jackie Malone, 11153 Crocker Dr., Tuscaloosa, AL 35405; phone: 205-366-9604
Membership Options:
• Family membership including subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $20
• Lifetime membership with subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $300
Complete membership application on first page of association section and send dues to:
ATPCA Secretary/Treasurer
Bob Crane
15295 Gainsville Road
Ralph, AL 35480
I am sad to report that GeorgAnna Flohr, Past President of the ATPCA, passed away on Feb. 17, 2010, after a long and courageous battle with cancer. May God’s blessing be with her family and friends.
On a more positive note, the new ATPCA Web site is up and running. If you have any comments or questions about the site, please let us know. It is a work in progress so we welcome your suggestions. Visit us at www.atpca.org.
The U.S. Sportsman’s Alliance and the Tukabatchee Area Counsel of the Boy Scouts of America will be holding a Trailblazer Adventure Day at Camp Tukabatchee, Prattville, AL on April 10, 2010, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. For a second year, the ATPCA and Alabama DCNR will be presenting an overview of the Trapper Education program in Alabama. This is the same weekend as the NTA South East Regional Convention in Calhoun, GA. Jackie, Mike and I had already made a commitment to attend the NTA Regional Meeting. As a result, we need ATPCA members to volunteer to be at this event, please give me a call and volunteer. This is a great opportunity to portray traps, trappers and trapping in a positive light. Last year, we explained our trapper education program to hundreds of Scouts and their parents.
Membership renewal notice, please mail the two copies of your renewal notice that you received from the T&PC Magazine along
with your payment to Bob Crane, ATPCA Treasurer as soon as you receive it. If you procrastinate, you could miss an issue of the T&PC.
Reminder: Alabama Regulation 220-2-.32 requires that each trapper report their harvest by number and species to the Alabama DCNR within 45 days after the end of the season. You can obtain a copy of the form at www.outdooralabama.com.
— Charlie Rath