President — Ron Day, 1102 E Morrow Dr, Phoenix, AZ 85024; 928-300-8684;
Vice President — Scott Trowbridge, PO Box 1847, Chinle, AZ 86503; 928-674-5683;
Treasurer — Cheyvonne Nelson, PO Box 1847, Chinle, AZ 86503; 928-674-5683
Recording Secretary — Lewis Hume, PO Box 514, Ashfork, AZ 86320; 928-606-3450;
Treasurer — Cindy Seff, P.O. Box 762, Seligman, AZ 86337; 480-390-0723;
Membership Secretary — Leslie Weger, PO Box 778, Seligman, AZ 86337; 928-713-0205;
Fur Auction Manager — Mike Huffer, PO Box 11474, Scottsdale, AZ 85271; 480-970-5904;
Directors of Computer Operations Fur Sales — Terri Miller, 6891 N Blackpoint Rd, Pima, AZ 85543;
Danette Harris, 2638 N Boulder Mountain, Mesa, AZ 85207; 480-316-5371;
Lois Hume, PO Box 514, Ashfork, AZ 86320; 928-606-3450;
NTA Director — Cindy Seff, P.O. Box 762, Seligman, AZ 86337; 480-390-0723;
Scent Post — John Henry Piotrowski, P.O. Box 142, McNeal, AZ 85617; 520-642-3850;
Membership Options:
• Adult membership including subscription to T&PC — $30
• Junior (under 16) with subscription — $20
• Family membership with subscription — $35
• Oldtimer membership with subscription — $75
• Lifetime membership with subscription — $275
Complete membership application on first page of association section and send dues to:
ATA, Membership Secretary
Leslie D. Weger
P.O. Box 778
Seligman, AZ 86337
Hello Trappers,
First I would like to thank all of you who could attend for coming to the 2014 ATA summer convention. Vern Howey did a great job sharing his decades of trapping and calling experience. Thank you Vern! April Howard and Ron day were also on hand to keep us abreast of any new changes to the state trapping regulations. Steve Craig from the SWFH was also present and we are very thankful for his support, knowledge, and friendship.
April Howard from the AZGFD asked that we remind all trappers turning in the bobcat lower jaws to ensure that they are free of any meat or connective tissue. The regional offices have the right to refuse tagging any bobcat jaws that still have meat, flesh, and connective tissue on them. My suggestion is to remove the lower jaw with a hacksaw or coping saw. Rub the jaw down with borax to speed the drying process. Then use a sharp knife to remove any meat or connective tissue.
Ed Myers once again set up his impressive antique trap collection. Ed has been an active ATA member for decades. It is my understanding that this will be Ed’s last convention selling and exhibiting his collection of traps. Thank you Ed for your support and knowledge over the years. And thank you Ed for the generous donation of trapping and mountain man books. They will be going into our local high school library.
We have several prospective changes for the upcoming fur sale. Please be in contact with Mike Huffer several weeks prior to the fur sale with your fur count. Wet, slipping, or poorly put up fur WILL be turned away at the door. One more time… WET, SLIPPING, or POORLY put up fur will be turned away at the door.
Brent Parker will be organizing the 2015 summer convention and is always looking for suggestion and help. We are looking at a possible new location, someplace cooler. If you have suggestions or ideas please contact Brent.
If anyone is interested in helping teach a Trappers Education course this year please contact the instructor nearest you. I am sure they would greatly appreciate the help.
Live Strong! — Scott Trowbridge
Hello Trappers,
It’s hard to believe this year is over half gone. But that means it’s closer to trapping season! The fur auction this past February was good for the membership. We gained about 35 new members. Some of the county directors that put on the Trappers Education classes like Scott Trowbridge, Brent Parker, Mike Huffer and Stan Schepers have done a great job getting folks to sign up too. We had a good turnout at our Summer Convention. We gained some new members and renewed members. Some folks find it difficult to find extra money in this economy. But if you break it down for a $30.00 membership, it is only $2.50 a month to support the association. Those $30.00 memberships are supporting memberships. They are the ATA’s lifeblood. We also appreciate all of our lifetime members. We were pleasantly surprised with a visit from the president of the Southwest Fur Harvesters Association, who also joined the ATA. First step, hopefully, to a greater, stronger trapping community in AZ. If anyone has any questions about membership, please feel free to contact me.
Take care and happy trapping. — Leslie D. Weger