Canadian YouTube Trapper Star Gets Reality Show

Fur Harvesters NWT Andrew Stanley

A lifelong Canadian trapper who has attracted thousands of views on YouTube will be the star of a trapping reality show set to debut this fall.

Fur Harvesters NWT will feature Northwest Territories trapper Andrew Stanley, who is better known as N.W.T. Trapper on YouTube. The show will begin airing this fall on Wild TV, NWTel Cable and Vimeo On Demand.

“A lot of people say, ‘Oh, that animal is suffering in that trap for days on end,’ and it’s not like that,” Stanley told CBC News. “I think people think that because people aren’t educated on trapping.”

The show will be produced by the Artless Collective, a multimedia entertainment company based in Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, according to CBC News. The show will be sponsored by the Fur Harvesters Auction.

“This is our sort of backyard, and we’re a very small percentage of the population that lives up here, but I want the rest of Canada to see that this is theirs also,” Producer Maxim Bloudov told CBC News.

Read the full story on Fur Harvesters NWT on the CBC News website.

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3 thoughts on “Canadian YouTube Trapper Star Gets Reality Show

  1. I just saw his videos on Internet, and I like what he is doing and think it is a great idea for Fur Harvesters. BUT !!
    If he dosen’t clean up his language, It will give an image to the public that we do not need. I am a full time wilderness trapper myself and know a lot of trappers and they do not use language like this. We do not need an inmage like this. “Mike

  2. Thanks for the write up, Trapper & Predator Caller! If your readers are interested in seeing more of Andrew Stanley and Charlie dog on the Hay River trapline, all of the episodes that have already aired on WildTV are now available online at

    Also, a minor correction… the show is co-produced by aRTLeSS Collective and Maximum Limit Productions.

    Kindest regards and happy trapping

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