President — George Finch, 100 Allen St., Groton, CT 06340; phone: 860-445-2514
Vice President West — Herb Sobanski Sr., 249 Maplehill Ave., Newington, CT 06111; phone: 860-667-3255
Vice President East — Mike Cote, 50 Hopevalley Rd., Amston, CT 06231; phone: 860-228-2404
Secretary/Treasurer — Herb Sobanski, Jr., P.O. Box 2183, Manchester, CT 06040-2183; phone: 860-667-3255;
NTA Director — George Finch, 100 Allen St., Groton, CT 06340; phone: 860-445-2514
Membership Options:
• 1-year membership including subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $30
• 2-year membership with subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller— $48
• 3-year membership with subscription to The Trapper & Predator Caller — $64
• 15-years and under — $10
• Lifetime — $350
Complete membership application on first page of association section and send dues to:
CTA, Secretary/Treasurer
Herb Sobanski, Jr.
P.O. Box 2183, Manchester, CT 06040-2183
The 2009 Spring Fur Sale kicked off at 8 a.m. on Saturday, March 28 at the Fin, Fur and Feather Club in Chaplin, CT.
It was a smaller turnout than the previous years; we had a total of 35 lots this year compared to 67 lots in 2007 and 48 lots in 2008.
Thanks to the excellent job performed by the CTA Fur Committee (Sonny Hamel, Fred Rich, Bob Kukuck, and Rich Ballou) for setting up the tables, preparing the fur lots, presenting the final bids and assisting the Fur Buyers with their fur at the end of the fur sale.
Bill and Rosemarie Spear, Tom Gebo and Guy Johnson were in attendance representing the in-house fur buyers. Outside we had Mike Cote representing NAFA handling fur drop-offs for members wishing to sell their fur through NAFA.
Thanks to all who donated fur to the CTA donation lot!
The CTA bought in over $1,300 in fur commissions and membership renewals from this fur sale.
Though the fur prices were very low and the turnout of CTA members selling their fur at this year’s fur sale was low, it was a great day with plenty of trapping talk and trapline experience sharing.
Below was the final result of the days fur sale:
Qty. High Avg.
Brn Rats 597 $5.26 $3.50
Raccoon 234 $12.79 $6.81
Red Fox 44 $26.41 $14.53
Grey Fox 13 $20.20 $19.18
Mink 35 $11.00 $7.99
Weasel 0 $0.00 $0.00
Otter 40 $42.17 $31.00
Beaver 255 $27.13 $13.16
Coyote 65 $33.43 $10.82
Skunk 4 $2.75 $2.75
Possum 42 $1.50 $0.82
Fisher 38 $48.13 $38.24
Castor/lb. 17 $46.02 $29.43
SB #994 update: With the introduction of this Bill (SB #994: An Act Concerning the Leghold Trap) in March, the CTA has been fighting this with a great deal of support from many areas:
• Together with the Connecticut NWCO’s we had an amazing presence at the Environmental Committees public hearing.
• We’ve received generous support and guidance from the NTA and the FTA.
• Active letter writing, e-mailing, and phone calls from CTA members to their legislatures.
• Financial donations to the CTA Legal Defense Fund from the following organizations:
– South Dakota Trappers Association
– Minnesota Fur Harvesters
– New Jersey Fur Harvesters
– Tres Alamos Traders
– Minnesota Trappers Association
Thank you all for assisting the CTA in fighting this unwarranted, emotional and non-factual piece of legislation!
The CTA Executive Committee along with many CTA members have been meeting regularly to stay on top of this legislation and receiving continual updates from our lobbyist.
As of today, Senate Bill # 994 (An Act Concerning the Leghold Trap) has died in the Judiciary Committee. It is very likely that this type of legislation will come up as an amendment attached to another Bill that is working its way though the House and/or Senate.
Our fight is not over, we will continue to stay on top of this and need every CTA members support and action. We’ve already had a number of members volunteer to get further involved, a few to mention are Chris Sanzaro, who is now our new Fairfield County Director, Rich Schenk who is our new Tolland County Director, and Danielle Madore, who will be your new Secretary/Treasurer.
Finally, if you are not receiving my e-mails and you are a CTA member, feel free to send me an e-mail at and I’ll add you to our distribution list.
Have a great summer…
— Herb Sobanski, Jr.