Idaho residents will have the chance to add the right to hunt, fish and trap to the state’s constitution this November.
The official wording of the amendment reads in part, “… the rights to hunt, fish and trap, including the use of traditional methods, are a valued part of the heritage of the state of Idaho and shall be preserved for the people…”
The inclusion of those rights would not be just superficial either. If those rights are protected in the Idaho constitution, any changes to the state’s laws related to hunting, fishing and trapping would have to go through Idaho courts, not just the legislative system.
“I’ve never trapped anything in my whole life,” Senator Lee Heider, the author of the Right to Hunt amendment, told the Associated Press. “But I believe just as strongly that it should be a right that’s protected for those who do.”
This would be a big step in protecting the rights of Idaho outdoorsmen now and into the future. For information on how to support the cause, contact the Idaho Trappers Association.