President — Mike Gragert, 511 S. 5th St., New Douglas, IL 62074; 618-637-9061; gfur@madisontelco.com
Vice President — Carroll Williams, RR4 Box 135, Fairfield, IL 62837; 618-516-2275; Carroll.Williams@gmail.com
Secretary — Wes Johnson, 26704 N. 3360 East Road, Chenoa, IL 61726; 815-419-5204; Coonhunter1963@yahoo.com
Treasurer — Bill Paulsen, 2443 Penn Blvd., Lake Villa, IL 60046
Membership Director — Cody Champ, 9530 E. Meadows Road, Mt. Vernon, IL 62864
NTA Director — Angela Billings, RR 1 Box 127, Stronghurst, IL 61480; 309-221-1593; Yotetrapper@gmail.com
Membership Options:
• Individual membership including subscription to Trapper & Predator Caller — $20
Complete membership application on first page of association section and send dues to:
ITA, Treasurer
Bill Paulsen, 2443 Penn Blvd.
Lake Villa, IL 60046
Hello Trappers,
The season is now in full swing, and I hope that everyone is able to get out and enjoy some time in the field. I hope everyone has had a chance to set a few traps for an otter or two, and I also hope all has been smooth with the cites tags from the DNR. The past convention was very successful, and I would like to thank everyone that helped make this one of our best conventions in a long time. We could have never done it without the help of many, and the list is very long. Thank you very much to everyone.
The fall veto session will start Nov. 27, 2012 in Springfield, and we will have to keep a sharp eye open for anything that might pop up and give us a surprise. We still have to keep an eye on all the gun bills in both houses, plus anything else that might show its ugly head. If you get a chance look over the General Assembly’s website during this time, and help keep and eye open to anything that might be a threat to trapping or the great outdoors.
The upcoming season’s fur auctions will take place on Jan. 12th 2013 in Odell Illinois and on Jan 26th in Fairfield Illinois. There have been changes made to this year’s fur sales, with the hope of helping move the sale along at a little better pace. Trappers will have to purchase in advance lot numbers at the cost of $10.00 each, and there will be a limit of only 40 lots per sale. Trappers wishing to purchase lot number must send $10.00 with your name, address, phone number; Trapping /hunting license number, and which sale you plan to attend to Bill Paulsen at 2443 Penn. Blvd. Lindenhurst, Ill. 60046 Please make all checks payable to the Illinois Trappers association. Lot numbers will be given out in the order they are received, and the last receiving dates for lot numbers will be Jan. 5th 2013 for Odell, and Jan 19th 2013 for Fairfield.
We will also no longer be grading fur, and all fur will be sold in trapper graded lots. What this means is the trappers themselves will be responsible for the grading and handling of their own fur every step of the way. Everyone that purchases a lot number will be receiving a sheet with tips on how to grade and bundle your furs, and a list of rules concerning the auction. We will also be starting the sale earlier at 7:30 AM. We hope these changes make things a little easier for everyone, and that we might all be able to enjoy the sale a little more. If you have any question about the sales please contact Paul Kelley at 309-726-1443/ pkelleyp@aol.com or a question about your lot number call Bill Paulsen at 847-356-4173/billsharon667@att.net
I hope everyone has a great season, and please remember our young trappers that are up and coming. Make time for them in the field, and share as much knowledge as you have with them. The youth of today are the hopes and dreams of tomorrow, and the future of our trade depends upon them. Let us not fail to give them all the skills and knowledge that is needed for them to move forward towards another 50 years. Stay safe and God bless. — M. Gragert